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    Conference Date & Place :

  • 16th Nov 2024 |
  • New Delhi,India



(Non Indian)




USD 400

INR 6500


PhD/Post Doc.

USD 350

INR 5500


Student (M-Tech/ME/Masters)

USD 300

INR 5000


Students (B-tech/BE/Bachelors)

USD 250

INR 4000


(Without paper presentation and publication)

USD 200

INR 1500

Additional Services

Extra Proceeding Charges per Proceeding

USD 100

INR 500


Lunch for accompanying person
(other than Co-authors without Conference KIT)

USD 100

INR 800


Co-author(Conf Lunch and Conference KIT Included)

USD 150

INR 1200

Payment must be made in USD (for all Non-Indian nationals and NRI) and in INR (for all Indian Nationals). The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money.

Kindly note that,

  1. If the length of the paper exceeds FIVE PAGES, the cost of EACH EXTRA PAGE is 500INR/20USD
  2. Each paid registration covers only one paper. You can pay Extra Paper Charges for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration with a 20% Discount price.
  3. The above Reg. Fees (Form Sl no-1 to Sl no-5) is for strictly one participant only. If more than more person from same paper wants to attain the conference then he/she can pay the additional fees(Check Sl-7 and Sl-8).
  4. Payment must be made in USD for all Non Indian and in INR for Indian Participants.
  5. The above Reg. Fees(SL- no 1 to SL no-4)  includes One Conf. Kit which includes One Conf Proceeding, Note pad, Pen, ID card,).
  6. However the Organizer provides Presentation certificate to each author and co-author with the reg. Fees with (SL no-1 to SL no-5)
  7. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.
  8. Delegates must bear the Service Charge/transaction charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side.
  9. Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refunded if you cannot participate in the conference.
  10. We do not accept any on spot registration and DD for payment.
  11. Read the Rules and Regulations Carefully
  12. Read Dos and Don’ts

Registration FAQ.

1. How could I make payment for my accepted paper?
Ans.-You can choose Online or Offline payment mode to complete the payment. The details has been mentioned below or mentioned in the acceptance letter received from our Coordinator.

2. What are the details I need to provide to complete the registration process?
Ans.-You need to send your payment Proof (Scan copy of Bank receipt/NEFT Receipt/ Transaction ID or Order ID in case of Online) and Complete Filled Up Registration Form to the official Mail ID of Conference only.

3. How could I know my registration is Complete?
Ans.-Your registration for the conference is complete when you receive an acknowledgment message from us.

4.Can my co-author attain the conferences? Do I need to pay extra?

The above conference registration fees (Sl no-1 to Sl no-5) is for one author attendance only. If your co-authors wants to attend the conference then he/she needs to pay extra charges (Check the Sl no-8) from the above table.

Online Payment for Conference
Using (Debt. Card/Credit Card/Net Banking) Click the link:   (Choose IRAJ Conference)


For any queries and difficulties during registration/payment kindly contact our Coordinator immediately.