Paper Title
A New Cryptosystem Based On Polyalphabetic Substitution Scheme With Multiple Number Of Vigenere Table
In order to provide secure communication different cryptographic techniques are available. Two basic building
blocks of all encryption techniques are substitution and transposition. Polyalphabetic cipher is based on substitution, the
plaintext letters are encrypted differently depending upon their placement in the text. Vigenere cipher is considered to be
most efficient and simplest polyalphabetic substitution cipher. Due to its repeating nature of the keyword, it is also
vulnerable to attacks. To overcome this, here we are presenting a new cipher which uses multiple Vigenere Table for
encryption. In this proposed cipher the keyword is repeating until it is equal to the length of the plaintext. But each time
keyword repeats the cipher uses different Vigenere Table for encryption and the new Vigenere Table is generating from the
previously used one.