Paper Title
Cross Layer Design Approach for Routing Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network

The scope for research in wireless technology creates a new door for invention. For broadband and mobile application wireless network have emerging a recent trends for performance optimization in multi-hop wireless networks. However the traditional layered stack is responsible for the communication between sender and receiver was initially designed for wired networks, which not able to perform well in multi-hop wireless network, the higher layer and their residing protocols remained unaware of the underlying technology. The multi-hop communication create a scope during variation in signal strength, high bit-error rate, variation in channel quality, issue of interference and noise ratio, mobility of node. To optimize overall performance of wireless network during optimal path selection process, the interaction between different non-adjacent layers is needed. In order to resolve this issue using cross-layer mechanism shared information is more useful for optimal path selection. The basic purpose behind to design a cross-layer mechanism is to use multilayer parameters from layered architecture to increase the efficiency as well as performance of wireless networks. Keywords – WSN, Multi-hop, MANET Network, Wireless Mesh Network, cross layer, point-to-point, broadcast, protocols.