Paper Title
Autonomous Robotic Arm With Enhanced Intelligence
In robotics for accomplishing simple and complex tasks, manipulation is a very important aspect. For maximizing
the robustness and minimizing the cost there is no ideal solution for manipulation. Service robot systems have long been a
goal of robotics research. This proposed work deals with the design and development of an autonomous robotic arm with
enhanced intelligence. Amrita Articulated Robotic Manipulator, AARM-II is designed and fabricated, and is used for the
realization of the proposed algorithm. Servomotors are used as actuators. A computer through a serial port interface using
Flash Magic terminal controls the arm. The arm will be capable of picking and placing the objects in the sequence given by
the user through PC terminal; if the arm is ideal it enters into random pick and place mode. Object’s source and destination
order is entered in the user interface application. The trajectory planning is done with the help of Inverse Kinematics (IK).
Geometric approach is followed to obtain inverse kinematic solutions. The work also aims at addressing the user interrupts
instantly while the robot is in random pick and place mode and arrange the object in the sequence provided by the user in an
efficient manner. The Microcontroller used is ARM7 based Blueboard LPC2148.