Paper Title
Key Pre-Sharing System Used For Consistent Data Delivery For Wireless Sensor Networks
An efficient Position-based Opportunistic Routing (POR) protocol which takes advantage of the stateless property of
geographic routing and the broadcast nature of wireless medium. When a information bundle is sent out, some of the next door
neighbor nodes that have overheard the transmitting will provide as sending applicants, and take turn to ahead the bundle if it is
not relayed by the particular best forwarder within a certain time period. By using such in-the-air back-up, interaction is
managed without being disturbed. The additional latency suffered by local path restoration is decreased and the copy sending
due to bundle refocus is also decreased. In the case of communication hole, a Virtual Destination-based Void Handling (VDVH)
scheme is further proposed to work together with POR. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that POR achieves
excellent performance even under high node mobility with acceptable overhead and the new void handling scheme also works
a new scalable key management scheme for WSNs which provides a good secure connectivity coverage. For this purpose, we
make use of the unital design theory. We show that the primary applying from unitals to key pre-distribution allows us to
accomplish great system scalability. However, this innocent applying does not assurance a higher key discussing possibility.
Therefore, we propose an enhanced unital-based key pre-distribution scheme providing high network scalability and good key
sharing probability approximately lower bounded by 1 – e-1˜ 0.632. We conduct estimated analysis and models and compare our
remedy to those of current methods for different criteria such as storage space expense, system scalability, system connection,
average protected path length and system resiliency. Our results show that the suggested approach enhances the system
scalability while providing high protected connection coverage and overall improved performance. Moreover, for an equal
system size, our remedy reduces significantly the storage space expense compared to those of current solutions.