Paper Title
Data Collection using Secure Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network
A wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) projects have found success with wireless sensor networks in the recent years, thanks to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Data collection is the primary function of this network, which in-volves sensing the environment, gathering relevant data, and transmitting it to a server or BS. Various parameters such as lifetime of the network, power, low latency, and bandwidth are used to classify data collection protocols in this chapter. Methodologies including such multi-hop, cluster analysis, duty bike riding, internet implementation and aggregation, sink mobility and directional antennas have been studied in order to meet these parameters. These methods have their drawbacks. Finally, the future of wireless sensor network routing protocols is discussed. Keywords - Routing Protocols, Sensor Network, Data Collection, Network Lifespan, Energy Consumption, Low Latency, Low Bandwidth.