Paper Title
Land Use/Land Cover Classification in The Mekong River Basin, Thailand Using Google Earth Engine
Land use/ land cover (LULC) analysis has been greatly encouraged effective management of water resources,
especially water-related disaster monitoring and water budget planning. The exploitation of Earth observation satellite
images has been applied to support LULC classification in large areas or multi temporal assessment. Several techniques and
tools have been developed to produce satellite based LULC mapping, howeverhigh-performance computing and specific
software are the basic requirements for these processes. The Google Earth Engine (GEE), cloud computing platform
offersmulti-propose processing fromlarge satellite image archives and libraries toenhanced opportunitiesfor earth
observation studies including satellite based LULC mapping. This work presents land use analysis of the Mekong
RiverBasin, Thailand on1 January to 31 March 2019 applying Earth observation satellite images acquired by optical and
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instruments including Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. Advanced machine learning LULC
classification algorithmsincludeSupport Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) and Classification And Regression
Trees (CART) are compared their results. The study has been carried out to identify the active and accurate algorithm for
LULC mapping using GEE.The results show thathigher accuracies were produced when using integration of optical and
SAR satellite images, twoaccurate LULC maps processed RFClassifierproduces an equally high accuracy with overall
accuracy64.29%. The auxiliary datasets calculating from Sentinel-2 are not derived higher accuracy results in all applied
classification algorithms.
Keywords - Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Classification, Google Earth Engine (GEE), Machine Learning Classification