Paper Title
The Role of Social Media for Digital Transformation on Tourist Attractions: Geopark Ciletuh Case Study

In facing the rapidly developing digital era, the transformation of tourism destinations has become essential, and the role of social media is increasingly significant in this context. This study highlights the urgency of digital transformation and the vital contribution of social media in improving the operations of tourism destinations, with a focus on the Geopark Ciletuh. This research not only explores best practices for using social media to achieve digital transformation in tourism destinations but also analyses the Geopark Ciletuh case study in concrete terms. A deeper understanding of how social media integration influences visitor interactions and the dissemination of tourism information is discovered through a focus on these destinations. Through exploring the concept of digital transformation and the dynamics of social media, this study highlights that the use of social media is not just a promotional tool, but also forms deeper interactions enriches visitor experiences, and is effective in disseminating tourism information. The implications of these findings are expected to provide valuable practical guidance for stakeholders in the tourism industry, assisting them in designing and implementing successful digital transformation strategies. Keywords - Digital Tourism, Digital Transformation, Geopark Ciletuh, Social Media, Tourism Strategy