Paper Title
The Existing State Of It Governance Maturity In The Public Sector Organizations Of A Less Developed Country: A Case Of Pakistan

The use of IT has become imperative for many public sector organizations to improve and sustain public service delivery and meet and extend organizational objectives and strategies. This critical use of IT demands for a special focus on effective IT governance in these organizations. One way to assess the IT governance success is the use of maturity measurements. Less academic empirical research has been conducted on IT governance maturity especially in the public sector of developing countries. This paper investigated IT governance maturity in the selected six Pakistani Public Sector rganizations (PakPSOs) through case study research using 15 most important IT processes of COBIT framework. The weak areas in the PakPSOs were identified for improvements. Moreover, the study compared the PakPSOs with the public sector of a developed country (Australia), a developing country (Tanzania) and the public sector international benchmark. The results indicated that the PakPSOs performed better than the developing country but poorer than the developed country and the international benchmark. Key words- IT governance maturity, COBIT framework, IT in developing countries, IT governance success