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The Single sign-on may be a new authentication mechanism that permits a legal user with one written document to be documented by multiple service suppliers in distributed laptop networks. These mechanisms permit users to register just one occasion and have their identities mechanically verified by every application or service they require to access later. There are several sensible and secure single sign-on models albeit it's of nice importance to current distributed application environments. Most of application architectures needed the user to memorize and utilize a special set of credentials (eg, username/password or tokens) for every application he/she needs to access. during this approach it’s inefficient and insecure with the exponential growth within the range of applications and services a user must access each within corporative environments and at the net. During this paper we have a tendency to propose a brand new single sign-on theme and claimed its security by providing well-organized security arguments. This paper aims to reinforce security mistreatment RSA cryptography and decipherment. The Implementation is completed mistreatment socket programming in Java. Identification of user is a crucial access management mechanism for client–server networking architectures. The goal of one register platform is to eliminate individual register procedures by unifying user authentication and identity management at a central identity supplier.