Paper Title
Quality of Service for MANET Based Smart Cities

In the past decade’s digital revolution has caused major breakthroughs in integrated communication technologies field and has changed the way people work, communicate and live. Cities are moving from static infrastructure and buildings to dynamic smart ecosystems known as smart cities. Smart city refers to urban development in various domains of the city like transport, healthcare, home, buildings etc. by using various technology and communication services. As the systems in smart city are heterogeneous, highly mobile, pass large number of messages, MANETS have specific characteristics that can satisfy these requirements. Smart city applications require high reliability, bandwidth, delay and loss of packets should be reduced. Therefore, providing Quality of service (QoS) in such applications is vital. This paper contains a literature review on QoS and network architecture for smart cities, challenges in providing QoS for applications like healthcare. Keywords— Quality of Service, MANET, Smart Cities.