Paper Title :Mysterious Profile Matching With Adaptive Transportable Video Streaming And Competent Social Video Sharing In The Clouds
Author :R S Dinesh, S.Komala
Article Citation :R S Dinesh ,S.Komala ,
(2014 ) " Mysterious Profile Matching With Adaptive Transportable Video Streaming And Competent Social Video Sharing In The Clouds " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 112-121,
Abstract : In this paper, we study user profile matching with privacy-preservation in mobile social networks (MSNs) and
begin a family of novel profile matching protocols. We first propose an explicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol
(eCPM) which runs between two parties, an initiator and a responder. The eCPM enable the initiator to obtain the
comparison-based matching result about a specified attribute in their profiles, while stop their attribute values from
revelation. We then propose an implicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol (iCPM) which allows the initiator to
straight obtain some messages in its place of the comparison result from the responder. The messages distinct to user profile
can be divided into numerous categories by the responder. The initiator unquestioningly selects the engaged classification
which is unidentified to the -responder. Two information in each team are ready by the -responder, and only one concept can
be acquired by the initiator according to the comparison outcome on only one feature. We further simplify the iCPM to an
implicit Predicate-based Profile matching protocol (iPPM) which allows complex comparison criteria spanning multiple
attributes. we propose a new mobile video streaming framework, dubbed AMES-Cloud, which has two main parts: AMoV
(adaptive mobile video streaming) and ESoV (efficient social video sharing). AMoV and ESoV construct a private agent to
provide video streaming services efficiently for each mobile user. For a given user, AMoV lets her secret agent adaptively
adjust her stream flow with a scalable video coding technique based on the feedback of link quality. Likewise, ESoV
monitors the social network interactions among mobile users, and their private agents try to prefetch video content in
advance. We implement a prototype of the AMES-Cloud structure to show its performance. It is shown that the private
agents in the clouds can effectively provide the adaptive streaming, and perform video sharing (i.e., prefetching) based on
the social network analysis.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-09-08 |