Paper Title :Grasping The Fundamentals Of Big Data In Distributed Computing
Author :Mohana Ramakrishnan, Elammaran Jayamani
Article Citation :Mohana Ramakrishnan ,Elammaran Jayamani ,
(2015 ) " Grasping The Fundamentals Of Big Data In Distributed Computing " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 11-14,
Volume-3, Issue-2
Abstract : This paper exploringa number of big data contents, which selected in research for example data tools, data types and
storage techniqueused in the real world applications. An intellectual revision made from the basics of big data.Big Data is the
new era, giving new challenging environment in day-today life to understand or get rid of big data as fast. The choice of big
data is often a fairly difficult one, and it is not uniquely determined by the facilities available.It must always be taken in the
light of the operations that are performed on the large amount of data. It is an abstraction of reality that certain properties and
characteristics of the real objects are ignored because they are peripheral and irrelevant to particular problems. In this context,
the significance of various big data projects becomes apparent. The importance of using big data that offer a convenient set of
basic abstractions common to most problems of data processing lies mainly in the area of reliability of the resulting programs.
This paper describes big data tools,data types and techniques used in real time authentic applications.
Keywords- Big Data, Tools and Techniques, Data Types, Characteristics, Distributed Computing.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-01-30 |