Paper Title :Enhanced Spam Filtering With Fuzzy Similarity
Author :Swati Pandit, Vanita Mane, Rajashree Shedge
Article Citation :Swati Pandit ,Vanita Mane ,Rajashree Shedge ,
(2015 ) " Enhanced Spam Filtering With Fuzzy Similarity " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 39-43,
Volume-3, Issue-2
Abstract : Spam is an unsolicited bulk mail or junk email. Spam emails not only waste resources such as bandwidth, storage
and computation power, but also the time and energy of email receivers who must search for legitimate emails among the
spam and take action to dispose the spam. So for overcoming these problems Spam filtering techniques are developed which
classify messages among two categories, spam and non-spam. Different decision tree algorithms are studied for spam
classification then they are compared analyzed and evaluated on the basis of various measures as Feature preprocessing,
Feature Extraction, Measure of best split, Types of Attributes, and Detection rate . Finally fuzzy similarity measure algorithm
is proposed which gives higher accuracy and low false positive and low false negative rate.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-01-30 |