Paper Title :Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Using Digital Logic Concept
Author :Joyita Goswami (Ghosh), Manas Paul
Article Citation :Joyita Goswami (Ghosh) ,Manas Paul ,
(2015 ) " Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Using Digital Logic Concept " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 41-45,
Volume-3, Issue-8
Abstract : The session based symmetric key Cryptographic Technique using Digital Logic concept has been proposed in
this paper and the technique is termed as CTDL. The proposed technique consider the plain text as a stream of finite number
of binary bits and divided it into blocks with different lengths. In each block, bit positions are changed using the concept of
logical Ex-OR or Ex-NOR operation to generate the encrypted block. Cipher text is generated from these encrypted blocks.
A session based key is generated using the values of block length and the type of digital logic operation used for particular
blocks. Results are computed using twenty files with different sizes and types to compare CTDL with standard symmetric
key cryptographic techniques Triple-DES (168bits) and AES (128bits) with respect to the Encryption and Decryption times,
Avalanche and Strict Avalanche values, Chi-square values and some other statistical measures like median, mode, standard
deviation and correlation coefficient.
Index Terms—AES, CTDL, Session based symmetric key cryptography, Triple-DES.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-08-04 |