Paper Title
Data Security In Cloud Using Password Generation Techniques

Cloud computing is emerging field because of its performance, high availability, least cost and many others. Besides this companies are binding there business from cloud computing because the fear of data leakage. Due to lack of proper security control policy and weakness in safeguard which lead to much vulnerability in cloud computing. When organizations utilize cloud services; authenticating users in a trustworthy and manageable manner is a vital requirement. Organizations must address authentication related challenges such as credential management, strong authentication, delegated authentication, and managing trust across all types of cloud services. Users tend to choose memorable passwords that are easy for attackers to guess, but strong system assigned passwords are difficult for users to remember. Thus depending on the file parameters(C- Confidentiality, I- Integrity, A- Availability), we use textual password for lower privilege files, CCP passwords(Cued Clickpoint) for medium privilege files and PCCP password(Persuasive cued Clickpoint) for high privilege files. In this paper we focus on the integrated evaluation of the Persuasive Cued-Click Points graphical password authentication system, including usability and security. An important usability goal for authentication systems is to support users in selecting better passwords, thus increasing security by expanding the effective password space.