Paper Title
Statistical Analysis Of Covid-19 Data In India and Its Different States
The whole world has got a great impact of novel Coronavirus COVID-19. India is currently at second place in the countries of the world. This paper is trying to analyse the data of India and its states with respect to death rate, recovery rate, number of active cases. The work intends to identify the current trend of Coronavirus spread in India and its different states. For this work we have statistically analysed data from eleven states of India alongwith data for the whole country. Overall a decreasing trend in the number of active cases is observed. However it is found that the peak in the number of active cases is not reached in Karnataka, Gujarat and Kerala. In a month in the following states, the situation will be within control(less than 500 cases): Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.The entire analysis is under the assumption that the present trend will continue for next few months and there will not be second wave upto January. Keywords - COVID-19, Statistical Analysis, States of India, Death Rate, Recovery Rate, Number of Active Cases