Paper Title
Disaster Management Kit for Ambulatory Fishing Communities of Chilika: Case Studies and Impact Assessment

Abstract - Chilika lagoon, a cyclone-prone coastal zone of Odisha, is perpetually vulnerable to disasters. The fishing community of Chilika, which is ambulatory and often fishes away from home, is most severely affected, without community support and little access to storm information. Owing to their vulnerability and need for a non-wire alternative electrical and communication device, IIT Kharagpur designed a Disaster Management Kit for the better disaster management by this ambulatory fishing community. Thirty such kits were distributed to selected fishers of Chilika to assess effectiveness. Post-deployment interviews were conducted with twelve beneficiaries after six weeks. Qualitative analysis of the interviews suggests improved disaster preparedness, mobile connectivity, work efficacy and sense of empowerment. Keywords - Disaster Management Kit, Ambulatory fishing community, Chilika, Solar PV, Radio unit.