Paper Title
Identification And Evaluation Of The Factors Affecting Applicants’ Choice Of University For Education: A Case Study Of Qazvin Islamic Azad University

Everyone has tried choosing many times, since the choice is one of the most important of the human activities. Choosing a proper university is one of the most important decisions in the life of each university applicant. The present paper aims at identification and evaluation of the factors affecting applicants’ choice of university for education. In this paper, the effects of different factors on the university choice have been studied that some factors affecting enrolment and entering students into universities has predominated the others. For example, in this paper, among several indicates, providing the prospect job opportunities and academic validity and quality of the university have been the priorities of the students. This research has been conducted on the basis of multiple criteria decision making via 10 experts. Key words- College choice, Higher education, Qazvin Azad University, Career aspirations, Applicants’ Choice of University