Paper Title
Is the cadaver dead? Learning anatomy beyond the horizon

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka is conducting cadaveric dissection as a part of their curriculum in anatomy. Objective of this study is to identify the perception, attitude and importance of cadaveric dissection and the knowledge of anatomy as a subject at the second MBBS examination. Information regarding learning and teaching methodologies in anatomy dissection was collected and the performances of continuous assessment test were compared with the second MBBS performances. Total of 131 students participated in the study. Majority (97%) of them felt that the cadaveric dissection is essential in learning anatomy and 79.3% were actively participated in the dissections. Higher performance obtainers in continuous assessment had higher performances in second MBBS examination. Failure rate was higher in lower performance obtainers in continuous assessment and this was statistically significant (p<0.001). Keywords- Cadaveric dissection, gross anatomy assessment, learning methodologies, Sri Lanka.