Paper Title
Endoscopic Washer And Disinfector
Endoscope washers and disinfectors are used to process endoscopes which are not used in sterile areas of the
body like G.I tract or colon which cannot be cleaned by terminal sterilization. With the rise in use of endoscopic procedures
in diagnostic and surgical treatments, there is a call for safe cleaning modus operandi for endoscopes. To avoid the faux pas
created due to improper manual cleaning, an automated method of disinfecting is the most effective method. A prototype is
built using a comprehensible microprocessor controller Arduino Uno. The sanitation of is done according to the national
standards for monitoring of hygiene and the guidelines provided for the reprocessing of the medical product. Endoscopes
undergo five stages of cleaning namely leakage testing, washing, aeration, disinfecting and rinsing. This review paper gives
an insight of the cost effective prototype built, its working and its merits over manual method of cleaning and disinfecting an
Keywords— Endoscope washer, endoscope reprocessing, automatic cleaning, manual cleaning, Arduino Uno.