Paper Title
The Effect Of Pseudomonas Strains On Growth And Essential Oils Of Garden Thyme
Garden thyme is one of the herbaceous perennial plants. The plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can
influence plant growth and metabolism. Pseudomonas is one of the PGPRs. In this experiment we applied different strains of
Pseudomonas in order to determine their effects on growth and essential oil percentage of garden thyme. The treatments
were different strains of Pseudomonas (strains 173, 168, 159, 169 and 187) and they compared to control (without using
bacteria). Experiment was carried out using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The
highest value of shoot height (80.00 cm) was obtained by using strain 187. The maximum shoot fresh and dry weights were
achieved on strain 187. Root fresh and dry weights were the maximum when strain 187 used. Essential oil percentage was
maximum (1.91%) by application of strain 187.
Keywords- Volatile Oils, Thymus vulgaris, PGPR, Biofertilizer, Medicinal Plants.