Paper Title
Health Status, Perception Of Self-Efficacy To Promote Health And Social Support Among Aging; A Case Study At Ban Salawan Health Center, Putthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
This research aimed to study health status of aging, self-efficacy to promote health among aging, and socialsupport
among aging in 2013.Thesample groups were 100 persons selected from aging member in Ban Salawan Health
Center. Collected data about perception of self-efficacy by interviewing their made in 5-point and had tested reliability
coefficients alpha .7403, in term of mental health collected data by ST-5, 2Q, and anxiety assessment form, that standard
measurement of Department of Mental Health, Public Health, Thailand. Descriptive statistic used for analyzed data. Results
presented sample group were female (61%) and 57% of them had age between to 60-65 follow by 20% have age between
66-70 years old, The most of them were married and still live with their spouse (64%). 89% of sample group have child,
25% have income between of 50,000 - 99,999 Baht per year. In terms of health condition61.22% of sample group diseases
were hypertension, following by diabetes (48.98%).About eyesight 51% of the sample group don’t need prescribed glasses,
83.0% of sample group don’t need hearing aids, 62% of sample group were have more than 20 teeth remaining, and haven’t
problem with chewing (80%), and 80% of sample group don’t have bladder incontinence. In terms of ADL, The most of
sample group were in type 1 (80%). Mental health condition; 94% don’t have insomnia, 96% don’t have anxiety and don’t
have depression but 81% of the sample group was facing stress. In terms of social support; 69% of sample group don’t work,
35% of sample group lives on pension, follow by spouse and child (32%).The statistical significance was <0.05 some
factors, such as gender, age and educational background were related to perception of Self-Efficacy to promote health.
Keywords- Aging, Perception Of Self-Efficacy, Health Status, Social –Support.