Paper Title
Spreads of Invasive Exotic Species, Ambrosia Trifida and Sicyos Angulatus in Seoul and Kyoungki Province

This study aims to investigate into the status of invasive exotic plants disturbing ecosystem in Seoul metropolitan area and manage them in these urban ecosystems. We studied vegetation with invasive exotic plants in sites which were selected based on previous studies and databases. All flora were classified into 57 families and 211 species and the number of total plant communities was 253. The invasive exotic species representing plant communities were Sicyos angulatus, Lactucascariola, Ambrosia trifida, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Eupatorium rugosum. In the case of Ambrosia trifida, the area ranged 214 to 16,882 m2. Ambrosia trifida appeared in riparian zones, road edges, forest edges, slopes and other open habitats at all sites and cover of Ambrosia trifida were 37.87% on average of all study sites. In Gwangju, Ansan, Anyang cities and Yeoncheon-gun, Ambrosia trifida represented as over 50% in its cover and total mean covers of Ambrosia trifida are significantly different among local cities of Seoul metropolitan area. Sicyos angulatusis distributed as almost continuous patches along the Han and the South Han river despite having patches cut in some riparian zones by cliffs and anthropogenic constructions. Ambrosia trifida and Sicyos angulatus must be managed because of big growth, shading and twining to conserve biodiversity of native species and could be managed by physical eradications and use of resources. Keywords: Ambrosia trifida, exotic, invasive, management, Sicyos angulatus, urban ecosystem