Paper Title :A Comparative Meta-Analysis of Residential Green Building Policies and Measures in The EU, and Their Impact on Overall Energy Patterns
Author :Naim Jabbour
Article Citation :Naim Jabbour ,
(2020 ) " A Comparative Meta-Analysis of Residential Green Building Policies and Measures in The EU, and Their Impact on Overall Energy Patterns " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 15-23,
Abstract : Data shows residential energy consumption constituting a significant portion of the overall energy end use in the European Union (EU), ranging between 15% and 30%. Furthermore, the EU’s dependency on foreign fossil fuel-based energy imports has been steadily increasing since 1993, constituting approximately 60% of its primary energy. This paper provides an analytical review of diverse residential building/energy policies in targeted EU countries, to shed insight on the impact of such policies and measures on energy use and efficiency trends. Accordingly, the adoption of robust residential green and energy efficient building policies in the EU has increased in the past decade. Moreover, data from EU energy efficiency and consumption databases attributes 44% of total energy savings since 2000 to energy upgrades and improvements within the residential sector. Consequently, many EU countries and organizations are continuously evaluating residential building energy consumption patterns to increase the sector’s overall energy performance. To that end, energy efficiency gains in EU households were measured at 1% in 2000 compared to 27.8% in 2016, a 2600% increase. Accordingly, 36 policies have been implemented successfully since 1991 across the EU targeting improvements in residential energy efficiency and reductions in energy use. Moreover, the adoption of National Energy Efficiency Actions Plans (NEEACP) across the EU have been a major driver of energy savings and energy efficiency. Most energy efficiency plans have followed a holistic multi-dimensional approach targeting the following areas, legislative actions, financial incentives, fiscal tax exemptions, and public education and awareness programs and campaigns. These measures and policy instruments have cumulatively generated significant energy savings and measurable improvements in energy performance across the EU since their inception. As a result, EU residential energy consumption trends show a consistent decrease over the past decade. The purpose of this analysis is to explore, examine, and compare the various green building and energy-related policies in the EU, highlighting some of the more robust and progressive aspects of such policies. Lastly, the paper analyzes the multiple policies and guidelines across targeted EU nations. Keywords - Building Policies, Residential Energy Patterns, Residential Energy Consumption, Energy Savings
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2021-03-15 |