Paper Title :Influence of Interactions Between Dark Energy and Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation
Author :Amrit Roy, Aayusha Singh, Om Singh
Article Citation :Amrit Roy ,Aayusha Singh ,Om Singh ,
(2024 ) " Influence of Interactions Between Dark Energy and Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 9-18,
Abstract : This paper investigates the potential impact of interactions between dark matter and dark energy on galaxy formation, challenging the conventional ΛCDM model. Dark matter drives cosmic structure formation through gravitational effects, while dark energy accelerates universal expansion. Although the ΛCDM model assumes minimal interaction between these components, emerging research suggests that their interactions could significantly alter galaxy formation processes. We present a theoretical framework exploring coupling mechanisms, scalar field interactions, and modifications to general relativity. Observational data from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), Large-Scale Structure (LSS), and supernovae inform our understanding of dark matter distribution, dark energy effects, and potential interactions. Numerical simulations and models are employed to assess deviations from ΛCDM predictions and their impact on galaxy and cluster formation. The implications for early galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, and cluster dynamics are examined, revealing the potential for new physics beyond current cosmological models. The study addresses observational limitations and theoretical uncertainties, proposing future research directions and observational strategies. By integrating theoretical models with empirical data and simulations, this research aims to advance our comprehension of cosmic structure formation and its broader implications for cosmology.
Keywords - Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Galaxy Formation, Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB), ΛCDM model
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2025-01-08 |