Paper Title
Development of LQR Controller Design for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UAV have been increasingly developed in war wide. The LQR controller for Small UAV is designed in this paper. The Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design for analyzing the stable condition of UAV is very important role in unmanned system with optimal control. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) will be designed by LQR controller. A controller is designed based on Linear Quadratic Regulator Theory by using “LQR” and “regulator” functions from MATLAB. The MATRIX function is used to evaluate the dynamic stability of the aircraft model. Linear and non-linear controllers for the stabilization of attitude of the vehicle and control of its altitude have been designed and implemented via simulation. The design process and tools investigated in this paper allow the designer to obtain the LQR controller, model the closed-loop plant/controller system, and evaluate the controller’s performance using MATLAB. There are three situations to test the stability analysis with open-loop, without noise condition and with additional noise condition. Using this model, the control system response to commanded inputs and external disturbance must be evaluated. Keywords - Small UAV, LQR Controller Design, Stability Analysis, Control Techniques, MATLAB