Paper Title
Testing of Stuck at Fault in Digital Circuits at Register Transfer Logic (RTL)
Semiconductor Integrated Circuits (ICs) can have millions of digital circuits which can translate to billions of
transistors. Lots of effort has been put into Electronic Design Automation (EDA) systems and Design for Test (DFT)
techniques to manage the development and application of digital circuit testing. In the beginning these software programs
and DFT techniques used the Stuck at Fault Model.With a stuck at fault model we are applying a structural test approach.
Instead of testing all combination of 1’s and 0’s to a VLSI device, we will test with a reduced set of test vectors. Stuck at
Fault Models operate at the logic model of digital circuits. We will detect the stuck-at fault using the concept of textio.
Keywords - Stuck-atfaults; Fault coverage; Testpoints; Validation Sets; Textio