Paper Title
A Study To Implement Super Speed Plus USB 3.1 Physical Layer

To work on a higher bandwidth, USB 3.1is the next evolutionarystep.AtpresentUSB3.1 is having the fastest data transmitting and receiving speed. The physical layer defines the signal in technology for the Super Speed bus for end-to-end communication between a host and device. Due to high significance of physical layer in the data transmission, USB 3.1 PHY has been implemented to enhance the overall performance. In this paper, the brief description of the overall functionality for implementing Physical Layer of USB3.1hasbeendiscussed.This paper also describes that, how USB3.1offersabetter performance overUSB3.0. Keywords—Universal Serial Bus (USB); Physical Layer(PHY); Generation(Gen); Electromagnetic Interference(EMI);Running Disparity (RD);Register Transfer Logic (RTL).