Paper Title
MRC Based Energy Efficient System With Alamouti
At this time, energy efficiency (EE) is becoming important for mobile devices, as battery technology has not kept
up with the growing requirement stemming from ubiquitous multimedia applications. In this wireless communications, two
most important factors are energy efficiency & spectrum Efficiency. The best modulation and transmission methodologies to
minimize the total energy consumptions required at the system model. Now we first consider multi input multi output
(MIMO) system based on Alamouti Diversity Schemes, which have good Spectral Efficiency but also the circuit
approximately will consume less energy. That will extend our energy efficient analysis of MIMO system. The information
for Tx -Rx pair will be secure in terms of less Bit Error Rate, we show that tremendous energy saving is possible for larger
transmission distance.We also know that over some distance ranges, cooperative MIMO TX & reception can simultaneously
achieve both energy saving& delay reduction. At this point OFDM principal helps to avoid the Inter symbol interference
(ISI) while Alamouti provides signal security with reducing errors especially at high signal to noise ratio .Authors have
consider the white Gaussian noise to check the effect on designed system, also channel assumed to be with low correlation
coefficient among the channels. In this paper authors have used 2×2 mimo architecture with low correlation coefficient to
study the effect of high SNR, bit error rate on energy consumption level i.e. energy per bit at high SNR by using MRC
detection technique.
Index terms- Energy EfficiencyAlamouti Codes, BER, CSI, Energy Efficiency, MIMO, OFDM.