Paper Title
Circular Patch with Circular Slit Patch Antenna Used for Ultra Wide Band Application
The proposed antenna is one of the best antenna structures, due to its low cost and compact design. In this paper,
it was present a new approach to improve the radiation efficiency and the performance of antennas due to miniaturization
of the size. Indeed, the performance of ultra wideband antenna which consists of a circular patches printed on an inexpensive
FR-4 Epoxy substrate a dielectric constant (εr = 4.4 ) and high (h=1.5748mm), the design were presented on geometrical
form . The idea was to develop new configurations by modifying Defect Ground Structure . The performance of the designed
patch antenna is simulated with CST 2012 software. This study was made for the whole frequency band of UWB ranging 8.2
GHz (4.7- 13.1GHz) and corresponding VSWR is 1.29 < 2 for entire bandwidth range.
Keywords - Microstrip, Patch, Antenna, Planar, Broadband, Ultra Wide Band, Bandwidth Enhancement, Omni-directional