Paper Title :Optimal DER Integration In Conjunction with OLTC Tap using Hybrid Elephant HERD and Particle Swarm Optimization
Author :Priyanka Lodha, Pushpendra Singh
Article Citation :Priyanka Lodha ,Pushpendra Singh ,
(2021 ) " Optimal DER Integration In Conjunction with OLTC Tap using Hybrid Elephant HERD and Particle Swarm Optimization " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 1-6,
Abstract : This article uses a newly developed optimization, a hybrid of an elephant herd and particle swarm optimization
swarm-based algorithms, to solve multi-objective problems for optimal deployment of DER sites and sizes and optimizing
the tap position for on-load tap changing transformer. The proposed problem uses the Newton Raphson method for a load
flow analysis of the system.The objective of this paper is to maximize the voltage stability index, minimize voltage deviation
and losses. The proposed technique is successfully executed on two benchmark test distribution networks of 33 and 69 bus
systems.The simulation result shows that using OLTC as a voltage regulator optimally utilizes the existing distribution
resources, decreases the system's DER penetration, andgenerates higher benefit to utility and the consumer. Performance
obtained from the hybrid approach and hybrid objective is successfully implemented on Matlab, and results are also shown
for conclusion purposes. Performance of OLTC along with shunt capacitor shows that OLTC performance along with the
reactive component.
Keywords - On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC), Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Active Distribution Network (ADN),
Distributed Generation (DG), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Voltage Stability Index (VSI).
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-9,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2021-11-17 |