Paper Title :A Mobility Management Architecture For Internet of Things Using Coap
Author :Brian Oryema, Seungman Chun, Jongtae Park
Article Citation :Brian Oryema ,Seungman Chun ,Jongtae Park ,
(2017 ) " A Mobility Management Architecture For Internet of Things Using Coap " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 52-58,
Abstract : In anInternet of Things (IoT) environment, IoT devicesare normallyused to transmit signal messages through
unreliable wireless networks. However, because of the mobile nature of IoT devices, they end up losing connection to the
network, thus leading to the loss of valuable signals at the monitoring end.Standard mobility management protocols like
MIPv6 and its extensions may not besuitable to cope with this problem in an IoT environment, because they do not consider
the constrained processing and power limitation of IoT devices. In this article we presenta system architecture for IoT
mobility management using IETF Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). Utilizing the inherent property of CoAP such
as low signaling overhead, simple architecture, and reliable data transmission mechanism, the IP connectivity of resource-
constrained IoT devices can be efficiently maintained during handover operation. Detailed architecture and algorithm for the
proposed mechanism are presented. Finally, a testbed has been constructed to evaluate the performance of the proposed
Keywords- Internet of Things, Mobility Management, Handover for IoT Networks, CoAP Mobility
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-03-06 |