Paper Title :ECG Monitoring Of A Cardiac Patient Using Embedded System
Author :Sai Bipin Palakollu, J. Prithvi, M. R. Manoj, Sree Teja, Sai Kumar, M.Ganesan.
Article Citation :Sai Bipin Palakollu ,J. Prithvi ,M. R. Manoj ,Sree Teja ,Sai Kumar ,M.Ganesan. ,
(2014 ) " ECG Monitoring Of A Cardiac Patient Using Embedded System " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 35-40,
Abstract : This paper presents a novel method to alert a cardiac patient using an embedded system. This system is chosen,
based on factors such as processing speed and portability, to reliably monitor the ECG signal of the patient. Based on
minimum processing time required and compatibility with the processor, an algorithm has been selected for processing of
the ECG signal. Since QRS complexes are predominant in the ECG signal, the algorithm is used to detect the same. Using
first order differentiation, Hilbert transform of the signal, and adaptive thresholding, the algorithm detectsQRS complexes in
the signal. Further, onapplying a second threshold on the detected QRS complex, R peaks are located accurately. When an
abnormal ECG signal is detected, the chosen processor Raspberry piis interfaced with a buzzer which generates an alert. The
algorithm provides diminished P and T peaks, amplifies QRS peaks, and in addition motion artifacts and noise are greatly
reduced. The algorithm is validated on a set often 10s recordings which are taken from MIT/ BIH Arrhythmia database. The
results are compared with the corresponding annotations of database, a sensitivity of 97.73% and a detection error rate of
4.52% was obtained.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-07-01 |