Paper Title
Modelling, Analysis and Comparisons between Novel Designs for an Air Vortex Engine

The Atmospheric Vortex Engine (AVE) is a device for producing an artificial vortex which works on the principle of thermal energy transfer in the atmosphere. The operation of AVE is based on the fact that the atmosphere is heated from the bottom and cooled at the top. Here, the vortex is produced by admitting air tangentially at the base of a circular wall. Thermal energy transfer in the atmosphere occurs from a high temperature zone to a lower one by means of convective vortices where mechanical energy is produced. The procedure could turn into a major source of clean energy and could give different advantages, for example, precipitation and cooling. Vortex engines would help mitigate the phenomenon of global warming by decreasing fuel utilization or by facilitating upward heat convection. It would harness the processes responsible for tornadoes and hurricanes. The geometrical parameters considered in the making of the model provide a decent starting point to future designs. This research also serves as a forerunner for future research. Keywords - Air Vortex Engine (AVE), alternate power, artificial vortex, convective vortices, thermal energy transfer, vortex engine, tornado, vortex analysis