Paper Title
Evaluation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness in Developing Country in Crankshaft Manufacturing
This study presents the evaluation of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) at an enterprise crank shaft manufacturing in developing country of Iran. OEE is a measuring tool of equipment in the factories in order to reduce machinery problems and optimize the productivity of production equipment. This study analyzed the failure and repair data of the production line over the period of 1 year. The components availability (A), performance efficiency (PE), and quality rate (QR) of the OEE have been computed. The critical conditions have been identified by failure and repairing data to improve production line. The result shows that OEE is a reliable tool to eliminate the root causes of breakdown losses and speed losses. It can also be used in automobile manufacturing sector and other industrial manufacturers to improve the operation of the production line. Keywords - OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Preventive Maintenance, PM, Performance Efficiency, PE, Quality Rate