Paper Title
Mechanical and Microstructure Studies of Two Step Stir Casted AA7150-TiC Nanocomposite
This research deals with AA7150-TiC nanocomposite and its mechanical properties for fracture surface studies under tensile testing conditions. Two step stir casting and vortex methods were employed to fabricate AA7150-TiC nanocomposites. Titanium carbide was selected as reinforcement and added into a molten liquid with various weight percentages such as 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt% to find the effect of reinforcement and optimal percentage for enhancing certain characteristics such as hardness and strength of nanocomposites. Addition of 1.0 wt% of reinforcement showed better mechanical properties. At optimal percentage, an Optical Microscope was used to analyze the grain boundaries, average grain size, as well as compare these with monolithic and 2 wt%TiC. Scanning Electron Microscope for fracture surfaces was used to find the nature of failure and EDS for the chemical composition of nanocomposites. Keywords - Stir Casting, AA7150, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, Nonocomposites, TiC.