Paper Title
Consequence Modeling Of Ammonia Storage Tank In A Chemical Plant-A Case Study
Huge number of accidents every year happens because of adequate attention to the Health and Safety Engineering
Management System (HSE.MS). Consequence assessment is one of the most important steps in safety and risk assessment.
Consequence modeling refers to the calculation or estimation of numerical values (or graphical representations of these) that
describe the credible physical outcomes of loss of containment scenarios involving flammable, explosive and toxic materials
with respect to their potential impact on people, assets, or safety functions. This paper presents recommended approaches to
consequence modeling for accidental releases of hazardous materials, with the potential to cause harm to people, damage to
assets and impairment of safety functions, from offshore and onshore installations. Among consequence modeling soft wares
PHAST (DNV software) is explained and a case study is done at one of the Petrochemical Complex in Asalooyein the Persian
Gulf on the ammonia storage tanks. Finally some conclusions and recommendations are made.
Keywords- Chemical Plant, Ammonia Storage, Consequence Modeling