Paper Title
Critical Successful Factors For Implementation Of Six Sigma In Automobile Industries: An AHP Approach
The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical successful factors for Six Sigma implementation by using AHP
approach. A questionnaire is prepared and distributed to 20 Experts consisting of Senior Managers, Middle Managers,
Quality Control Manager and the Supervisory team within the organization. The Analytical Hierarchy Process is performed in
four phases (1) Determine the critical successful factors for Six Sigma implementation, (2) Building the AHP model, (3) pair
wise comparison of CSFs as per the experts opinion (4) Determine the average priority weight of individual factors. AHP-
excel software is used to compute the normalized and priority weights. The result shows the most important CSFs for Six
Sigma implementation and some research direction for future work.
Keywords: Critical successful factors, Six Sigma, Consistency Index, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)