Paper Title
Microstructural Modification and Stabilization of Dispersive Soils Using Bagasse Ash

Dispersive subgrade soils are one of the known causes of road failure. Replacement of dispersive soils with natural construction materials is an expensive and sometimes not economically viable solution. On the other hand, commonly used chemical stabilizations of dispersive soils are either costly or not environmentally friendly. This work investigates the use of SCBA as a stabilizer for dispersive soils. The results show increasing the amount of SCBA up to 20% and the curing period to 21 days reduce the high plastic property of dispersive soils and improve the Atterberg limits of these soils. Besides, SCBA stabilization enhances the strength and reduces dispersive potentials of dispersive subgrade soils. SCBA stabilization also modifies and enhances the microstructure of dispersive soils. Keywords - Dispersive Soils, SCBA Stabilization, Subgrade Improvement, Soil Engineering, Road Integrity, Atterberg Limits, CBR Enhancement, Soil Modification, Microstructural Analysis, Sustainable Stabilization