Paper Title
Climate Smart AG: Analyzing and Predicting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Activities

The project looks into the crucial problem of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from unrestricted agricultural practices, which exacerbate global warming by causing unfavorable effects like unpredictable weather patterns, droughts, and extreme weather occurrences. Although the elements that affect GHG emissions are carefully examined, the agricultural industry frequently evades attention. The research aims to close this gap by promoting a radical change in agricultural practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cope with climate change, manage disease outbreaks, and tackle crop nutritional deficiencies. To reduce GHG emissions and improve food security, competent agricultural management is essential, as shown by our research. It has never been more urgent to balance agricultural practices with environmental sustainability as the world population soars and the effects of climate change worsen. The importance of our initiative rests in its ability to alter the agricultural environment by promoting sustainable practices and making specific recommendations. In addition to bringing attention to this urgent problem, it also provides an approach to a more sustainable agricultural future. By tackling climate change and advocating sustainable practices, our work highlights the need for a holistic approach to agricultural transformation and adds to the larger conversation on environmental protection. Keywords - Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Carbon Dioxide(CO2), Sustainable agricultural practices, Sarima, Adaptive KNN, XGBoost