Paper Title
The Implementation of Lean Technique in Casemix Workflow In Malaysian Hospital

The implementation of Lean techniques in the healthcare sector and hospital is evident to be effective in terms of increasing the quality of healthcare service and meanwhile reducing waste. In this research, the main problem identified in the Casemix Unit is the delay in completion of inpatient case notes in the DRG system which also denoted the low productivity of the Casemix Unit due to various contributing factors. The purpose of the research is to identify various contributing factors that resulted in the main problem in the Casemix Unit. At the same time, the research aims to provide a solution which is Lean intervention to the workflow process of the Casemix Unit with the effectiveness of the proposed intervention being measured. Data were collected from a sample of 111 senior staff drawn from the Malaysian Hospital. The descriptive data has been collected Pre and post intervention of Lean techniques. The descriptive data are the total number of completions of inpatient case notes in the DRG system per staff per working day. The collected data were analysed using mean and T-test value. There is a difference between before and after the Lean intervention applied. As a result, this research showed that the intervention plan of cycle 1 Lean intervention is effective in increasing the productivity of inpatient case notes completion in the DRG system. Keywords - Lean Techniques, Lean Intervention, Malaysian Hospital, Quantitative