Paper Title
Impact of Urban Sprawl on Public Road Transport: A Case Study of Faridabad City

Rapid urbanization and population explosion tend to expand and densify the urban built-up areas which lead to sprawl in urban areas. Urban sprawl leads to creation of transition zones with indefinite borders between rural and urban areas that may increase the commute time which causes the degradation of lifestyle as longer commute time causes traffic congestion and further wastage of time. The developing smart city Faridabad in Haryana district is one of the fine examples of urban sprawl. Generally increase in the population of a city leads to an increase in the number of vehicles which further leads to various problems like traffic congestion, deterioration of the lifestyle of the community and various other challenges. The main objective of this research paper is to minimize this longer commute time which leads to the degradation of lifestyle. This commute time can be minimized by choosing the shortest path to travel between the origin and destination or by choosing the alternate quickest path while the conditions of traffic congestion occur. The shortest path or alternate path is found by using the network analysis tool in the ArcGIS software. In this paper, the shortest path and the alternate path are found with the help of the network analysis tool which can help the community to choose the conventional path for their destination. Keywords - Urban sprawl, Traffic congestion, Network analysis, Shortest path.