Paper Title
Two Types of Regulation Regarding PV Installation in The Context of Japan’s SDGS Policy

After the Feed-in Tariffs scheme started in 2012, installation of photovoltaics especially for non-residential (commercial) purpose has been accelerated in Japan. Photovoltaic facility installation for business causes several impacts on natural environment such as Satoyama including artificial forests and agricultural lands. To tackle with negative impacts of business photovoltaics installation, over 160 local governments including four prefectures have set each regulation ordinance for new photovoltaics developments so far. On the other hand, Tokyo Metropolitan government has succeeded to adopt new regulation rules for housing makers to install photovoltaics for new house by compulsion. This paper proposes our original “Regulation Pyramids for Photovoltaics Installation” and clarifies important points during the discussion process of Tokyo Metropolitan government, in the context of Japan’s SDGs-related policy circumstance. Keywords - Feed-in Tariffs (FIT), Japan’s SDGs policy, Photovoltaics, Regulation analysis