Paper Title
The Power of Behavioral Upselling: A Prospect Theory-Based Mathematical Model for Enhancing Internet Package Sales

This research aims to construct a mathematical model for implementing an upselling strategy using a behavioral framework based on Prospect Theory, and examine its applicability and effectiveness through a case study on Internet package services. A developmental descriptive approach was used to gather data from prospective consumers of internet packages in Iran, and cross-sectional data were extracted from a prominent telecommunication company's database. The model was tested using empirical data, resulting in indifference curves that portray customer preferences and behaviors concerning different package options. The intersection point of the indifference curve and the supply line reveals a compelling potential for further action. The findings suggest that customers are more likely to initiate a purchase when their discomfort associated with potential monetary loss is minimized, coupled with the anticipation of acquiring supplementary services. This model can serve as a valuable tool for enterprises to ascertain the optimal discount or strategic approach. Keywords - Upselling, Cross-selling, Prospect Theory, Telecommunication Industry.