Paper Title
Role of Expressionism in Shaping Indian Contemporary Art

This paper explores the role of Expressionism in shaping Indian contemporary art. The paper aims to examine the influence of expressionism on Indian artists as well as how they used their style to transform Indian traditional art in the manner of expressionism. Expressionism is an art movement of the West that began in Germany in the late 19th century. Its main elements are self-emotions and feelings rather than representation of the materialistic world. Expressionist artists brought revolutionary changes with their great artworks and became prevalent and were admired at that time. They depicted weal and woe by imbibing their thoughts, feelings and sensibilities. They expressed their views before the public by condemning materialism and taking the initiative against it, as well as trying to find their own identity. If we delve deeper into it, we will see its roots are spread all over the world. However, this paper will cover its role in developing Indian art. Expressionism was first indirectly introduced to Indian artists by Schlesinger, Walter Langhammer, and two Leyden brothers, Rudi and Lolly, in Bombay, and later, in 1960, it spread all over India. However, its influence on the work of Indian artists can be traced earlier due to their contact with expressionist artists. Keywords - Expressionism, Indian Contemporary Art, Role, Influence, Shaping