Paper Title
A Case Study of Regional Revitalization by University-Industry Cooperation in Pingtung County, Taiwan

Taiwan undergoes industrialization, globalization, and informatization, urban development and construction have leapt dramatically, becoming a place where people need to work and live. Compared to the rural areas, which are still in the agricultural and animal husbandry industry, there are no bright constructions. There are not many job opportunities compared to the cities, and the living environment is not as diverse as urban life. As a result, rural areas are gradually being considered as backward areas and have a negative impression. This has also led to the flow of population to cities and has gradually shown signs of sluggish development. Rural areas have become areas of stagnant development.This article discusses the regional revitalization model of Pingtung County, the southernmost government in Taiwan. Through the guidance of university scholars, it coaches local enthusiasts to become "community planners" with community building capabilities. From exploring local environmental characteristics to revitalizing the community environment, we provide guidance on proposing improvement plans, completing plan implementation, and completing initial operations. In the process, we gather the consensus of community residents on environmental improvement and jointly create a livable environment. Let it become a catalyst for community redevelopment, gradually expand to other environments, build a local value innovation model of sustainable development from quantitative change to qualitative change, and create a better community. Keywords - University-Industrycooperation, Regional revitalization, Community counseling, Community planners