Paper Title
Investigating The Factors Influencing Developers Approach to Green Architecture in The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The purpose of this study is to understand the benefits of green architecture, construction feasibility, and the perspective of people involved in designing the most favorable guidelines to ensure the best adoption of green architecture. This study also includes the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the Green Architecture domain. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire-based e-survey of 152 developers, belonging to 20 architectural firms in the UAE between April 15, 2020, and Jan 2, 2021, with each survey lasting for 15 minutes. We used Pearson Correlation on qualitative variables. Using the questionnaire, it was observed that “GA Inclination” and “Tenure as Developer” are 2 variables that can be analyzed using all independent variables such as the developer’s perception of the economics of green architecture, perception of technology of green architecture, perception of awareness of green architecture, perception of management of green architecture, and perception of the COVID-19 crisis on green architecture. For that, we used Chi-Square tests and finally Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to check for content validity of input segments and questions. The factor analysis showed that the economy had the highest variance while awareness had the lowest. The reliability test results for all study variables show promising (>70) results that implied good data validity. There is a strong negative correlation between the developer’s perception of all 5 segments and their inclination toward green architecture. The result supports the hypothesis about factors, which are the developer’s perception of the economy, technology, awareness, management, and the COVID-19 crisis. Keywords - green architecture, construction industry, economics, technology, awareness, management, Covid-19, economic crisis