Paper Title
Internet of Things Security

This research study performs a thorough analysis of security issues in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things, a vital virtual network that allows users to access linked multimedia gadgets from a distance, is vulnerable to serious security risks at every level. The paper examines wireless communication methods, technologies used in secure IoT, and current security concerns. The article is noteworthy for its comprehensive approach to security problems, taking industry trends into account while addressing difficulties and solutions. A variety of potential remedies are investigated, including fog, edge computing, blockchain, and machine learning. One potential way to improve IoT security is through the incorporation of machine learning, especially when combined with end-to-end security. This thorough analysis offers insightful information that helps academics and practitioners comprehend IoT security issues and provide practical strategies for implementation. Keywords - Internet of Things (IoT), Security, Wireless Communication, Blockchain, Machine Learning