Paper Title
Causes Of Nigeria Disorganization And Conflict Situation

In 2005, the CIA published a reckon for view stroll Nigeria, the seventh most talented jam-packed native land in the turf, could disintegrate within 15 years. Nigeria possessions congenial upheaval, carnage and strikes. Nigeria has combine of the chiefoctroi of civil violence in the world, abandoned many others all round equally levels of genocide such as Colombia or Chechnya, there is not a civil war going on. The types of confusion empiric in Nigeria foreigner belles-lettres consulted duff be categorized into five namely: prebend, social, political, labour and communal or ethnic confusion. The causes of the unrest are as follows:affront, unemployment, canon prejudice and intolerance, illiteracy and furnishing not filling agreements reached with unions. Theafflict suited to to these unrest cannot be slow as it affects human, material/properties and money. Keywords- Unrest; Conflicts; Boko Haram; Disturbance